
mar30-4, originally uploaded by bijouxdejais.

This morning I read an article on about a recent steampunk convention, so it inspired me to wear a steampunk look today. I am wearing four (!) skirts, which sounds warm but I was quite comfortable. The top skirt is bustled in the back and held together with one of my son's mitten clips :o)

mudcloth hat by lucille graham, a local artisan, pinned with antique black glass hatpin & terminus.
wood/brass earrings from baraka (this israeli guy who works festivals in the summertime)
evil eye amulet earrings from valarie.
pendants and necklaces (labradorite, ankh, magen david, catholic medallion, petrified wood, clockwork) some made by me.
thrifted leather and woven belts and belt pouch.
thrifted skirts and military jacket.
blue net gloves from maxwell street.
silver ring from an aunt.
fluevog boots from crossroads trading.




mar28, originally uploaded by bijouxdejais.

My oh my, but it has been a while since my last outfit post. I just haven't felt motivated to document my outfits lately, though I've liked them on the whole. However, I really liked today's outfit & it was a good day, so I thought I'd steal a snap while I had a free moment.

sky blue beret from thrift store on 79th street.
infinity carved shell earrings from last summer's african festival.
thrifted white scarf tied into bow.
thrifted purple velvet jacket, tapestry bag, sequined skirt and underskirt.
purple bitten heart socks from claire's.
suede loafers from church sale.


I'd walk the plank for those boots.

The skirt is the closest I would ever come to wearing sweet lolita.

And spade stud earrings are just so damn hard to find! Why is this? I'm hoping the Alice in Wonderland trend will make them materialize so I can claim them.

More Polyvore

It's that time of winter just before spring, when your winter clothing feels itchier than usual and you realize it's almost time to break out the warm-weather clothes. Oh, how I do miss my lovely parasols...until spring I have Polyvore to hone my style.

I try not to focus on what's popular at the moment and wear what stirs me, but experience has shown me that it's impossible not to be affected by trends if one is to consider themselves generally knowledgeable about what's happening in the larger world. This is not saying that trendiness equals being informed, hell no! Only that if one is looking at the world, seeing other people, thinking about what's going on in the world and asking themselves questions, all of that is inevitably reflected in the creative process, be it fashion, music or other art forms.

These days, I'm inspired by rebels of all stripes and time periods (19th century gang members, Confederate soldiers, juke joint singers and crackheaded bohemians). In terms of music, I'm lately influenced by classic rock and the early metal period of the early 70s...again with the whole blues people thing, I know. What can I say, I'm admittedly obsessed. I'm also inspired by tight color palettes and the simplicity of black; I spent half the 00s in colorful experiments, so these days I want to paint it all black and white and bring a little more control to my mad science.