
nov1, originally uploaded by bijouxdejais.

I can hardly believe that the end of the decade is only a number of weeks away. So much has happened for me since the turn of the century: attending and graduating Harvard, two trips overseas, dozens and dozens of new friends, met courted and married, became a mother, had several jobs and internships, started and completed social work school...on top of all that my personality and style have changed so much since then. So far, change has been overwhelmingly good for me.

burgundy snood crocheted by me.
fertility figure earrings reconstructed by me.
hunter green merino wool jabot made by me from an old cardigan, and pinned with a vintage "M" stick pin.
thrifted velvety flower print coat.
dinosaur bone ring from ebay.
brown twill skirt from a recycling bin.
thrifted vintage minnetonka moccasins.